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Annual Insurance Review

The Raleigh Williams Agency McDonough, GA 30253 Also Provides Financial Services

The Only Thing That Is For Sure In Life - IS CHANGE

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When was the last time you reviewed your insurance?

Since then, if you’ve gotten married, had a baby, added a four-legged friend to your family, sent a kid off to college, finished your basement, bought a trampoline, replaced your roof or made a big purchase like a diamond ring or a set of golf clubs, your insurance is most likely out-of-date and it is time for a review. As a good rule of thumb, when there’s a change in your life, more likely than not, your insurance will need to change, too.

There are many benefits to an annual insurance review. First of all, in the instance of a loss, you’ll want your policy to be up-to-date to ensure that you’re covered. During an insurance review, your agent will go over specific details about your life and insurance policies to make sure that all your needs are met. Secondly, you may find something that you don’t currently have covered, a discount that you aren’t taking advantage of or an extra coverage to add at no additional cost. Finally, your agent can help you understand your current coverages and go over any changes in your premium cost.

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